Meet Simon, he’s got the sauna in Gisborne

We're on a mission to bring a sauna to every town in New Zealand, and we need your help! Initially, we weren't sure if there was an appetite for saunas in New Zealand, so we built one and tested the waters. After about 3 months, the sauna was fully booked week after week. This got us thinking, would this work in other parts of NZ? So we built a sauna for Simon in Gisborne, and sure enough, the community was in need of a sauna, and his quickly became fully booked regularly. Now, we have saunas in Waihī, Napier, Kāpiti Coast, Taranaki, Pāpāmoa, and Auckland.

We'd love for you to join us in bringing this health-giving experience to New Zealand. Simply fill out the inquiry form, and we'll send you the information package with all the number-crunching details.

Looking forward to hearing from you, The Sauna Project team.

Get in touch and we will send you our real-life data on the earning potential of a commercial sauna